Located on the windward side of The Great Hills, this region receives plentiful rainfall and serves as a highly prosperous agricultural province of the realm. A wide yet shallow river, called the Tinfy, cuts through the middle of the province. The Tinfy has a very large flood plain, making the soils exceptionally fertile. Lush deciduous forests litter the landscape, becoming denser further north.
last post May 7, 2024 19:52:01 GMT -6 Cool About It
Isla Mysra Avatar
Once part of Rorin, the Paeyr province was carved out of the fairly empty piece of the Rorin territory to settle a religious-political dispute. Initially, the small province once acted as a strong power within the kingdom. However, over time the leaders in Paeyr fell into irreparable conflict and their power was eventually lost. At present, the province serves as a holy place, filled with temples of many religions. The oldest and grandest temple, belonging to the now-extinct Pirulma Elves, resides on the highest peak in The Great Hills.
last post Feb 2, 2023 13:37:19 GMT -6 Between Two Worlds
Nymeria Liao Avatar
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Though fairly small in terms of actual territory, Sounnah is by far the largest in terms of population. Settled largely on the coast of the continent, this province is especially prosperous in commerce, fishing, and seafaring - among other trades. The capitol, Orric, is home to a great diversity of people, and primary residence to the ruling family.
last post Jun 30, 2024 15:13:55 GMT -6 Drink until your drunk
Andrew Johansen Avatar
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The largest of the Thisbēan provinces, Kal is located in the northeastern portion, making up the border to the Vanyar lands. The land is fairly flat with tall grasses and some gently rolling hills. Though the soils are rich, few people choose to reside in Kal permanently due to frequent (yet mild) wildfires and the large, aggressive grazing mammals that populate the plains.
last post Jul 16, 2023 19:50:47 GMT -6 don't let me drown
Marielyn Glevissig Avatar
Located on the leeward side of The Great Hills, the lands of Farringor are quite arid. Farringor is something of a transitional region between the rich, semi-arid prairie of Kal to the semi-tropical coasts of Sounnah. The land itself is largely unoccupied due to increasing droughts and poor/rocky soils. Despite the Kyjah river's course through the area, this is not an ideal place to settle. Those living outside of Farringor City (once renowned for their metalworks) are typically poor farmers and miners.
Though not recognized by the rest of the world, Lamshi is actually its own state, carved out of ancient Thisbē in an agreement with many groups of the Naturals (tribal peoples/natives) of the land. Outside of Thisbē it is recognized as a large province of the realm. Within the realm, however, Lamshi is viewed as a separate entity that is merely protected by Thisbē, with no political power and only historical connection to the realm. Lamshi is widely regarded as a wild and dangerous place, where outsiders are met with grave unwelcome.
last post Sept 8, 2023 15:13:47 GMT -6 Attack On Lamshi
Callonetta Eilhart Avatar
Often referred to, simply as "The Island", Damakos is a largely unpopulated, strategic piece of territory that grants Thisbē full control of the Kiserian Channel. The Island is of volcanic birth, and although the last eruption was many centuries ago, the constant smoking of mount Ythok tends to deter most long-term, civilian settlements.
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Andrea Déor Avatar
Telling Stories
created Feb 18, 2024 18:58:54 GMT -6
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Jun 27, 2024 18:00:13 GMT -6
Andrea Déor Avatar
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lost as a candle lit at noon
created Mar 4, 2022 14:50:23 GMT -6
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Jun 1, 2024 12:35:19 GMT -6
Éodred Avatar
Athena Rivinis Avatar
There's A Light
created Oct 19, 2022 0:20:29 GMT -6
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May 7, 2024 18:22:06 GMT -6
Athena Rivinis Avatar
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created Mar 4, 2022 14:41:16 GMT -6
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Sept 8, 2023 17:42:53 GMT -6
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created Aug 18, 2022 20:55:54 GMT -6
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May 24, 2023 17:40:08 GMT -6
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Vaddix Rasvadian Avatar
I hate him, Can't wait anymore.
created Mar 2, 2023 23:44:37 GMT -6
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Mar 18, 2023 17:16:55 GMT -6
Isla Mysra Avatar
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it's just 11 blocks
created Mar 6, 2023 11:19:19 GMT -6
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Mar 6, 2023 11:19:19 GMT -6
Kismet Avatar
Kismet Avatar
do you quarrel, sir?
created Dec 3, 2022 6:45:50 GMT -6
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Feb 1, 2023 13:08:35 GMT -6
Kerr Blackwood Avatar
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Thisbē (pronounced thizz-bee) is the southernmost realm on the continent, bordered by Vanyar to the north. The gently rolling plains of Kal, the rivers Tinfy and Kyjah, The Great Hills of Rorin and Paeyr, mount Ythok on the Isle of Damakos, numerous forests in the north and west, and tropical landscape covers most of the south. Historically, Thisbē was home to three great cities: Orric, Farringor City, and Eumdaran. Orric, now the capital of Thisbē, is the only prospering city remaining in the state. As a result, the city's limits cover almost the entirety of the province in which it is located. While Farringor City still exists, at present it is largely abandoned and has been in steady decline for decades, primarily due to resource depletion and severe droughts. Eumdaran, now only known as the lost or ancient city, has long since been destroyed after a costly war with the Naturals.
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