It may not be the largest island, but is certainly the easiest to reach. Galeros is nearest to the mainland, has a secure harbor, and touts the fact that it has water deep enough to allow the larger trading ships. These ships carry essential imports and are able to export goods as well. Though the harbor is secure, the flat terrain allows for easy travel across the land - which can be both a negative and positive aspect.

The island is mostly flat, but is easy to build on with ample supplies for building and plenty of fresh water to sustain life.
last post Apr 24, 2023 10:13:21 GMT -6 Finding Folly
Providence Avatar
With steep cliffs and few safe landing zones, this mid sized island, found on the Western fringes of the chain, is home to a clan of some 1500 Orcs. Clan Væga defend the island and work the lush interior to grow their harvests of Paprika and Chillies. The spices were discovered on the island whilst a group of Orcs, originally kin to Clan Orro, were on a Pilgrimage centuries ago. Rather than just take a sample back to their clan in the Wilds, the Orcs decided to found a new clan and establish a trade route for the spices, which gave Orcish cooking an even greater reputation for heat.

Barataka is warm and damp, with a moderately hilly interior. It has been many years since anyone has been foolhardy enough to try to take the island from the Orcs by force. A small but bustling trade enclave thrives on the southern coast of the island, where anyone who can meet their prices can purchase the spice.
last post Feb 24, 2023 15:29:21 GMT -6 The Spice Of Life
Nira'lia Brivera Avatar
More commonly known as 'Purgatory' to those in Giralda, the island of Palimar is primarily used to house the most notorious of criminals. Wanting to keep Giralda and the realms safe from harm, the island is mainly comprised of a jail-like structure with separate housing for guards. Pirates surrounding Annorica have used this island for a number of years not only to house prisoners, but more importantly to have their pick of future crewmen.

These pirates-turned-wardens run Palimar like a slave trade, forcing criminals into crop harvesting and doing the dirty work of the prison. It is self sustained and has worked well for them since its inception.
last post Feb 20, 2023 3:14:53 GMT -6 Why, Everyone’s Mad Here
Tommy Avatar
Haina is a well known island in the Spice Isles, simply because its product is used on a daily basis in most households. The island is made up of indigenous people who work mainly on harvesting the tree seeds to produce this spice, and also take up residence on the island. Haina is fairly flat, grassy, and does not have much in the way of remarkable geographical landmarks.

The main spice on the island, Harrina, is made from several tree seeds combined together to form one flavor. The Harrina tree produces the overwhelming flavor of the spice, which is frequently used a cheaper and more flavorful alternative to salt. The seeds are bleached and distributed to other islands and people, as they have been since it's inception. After the production of Harrina is finished, the spice is bagged and sold for other goods and services off of the island.
The most well known island in The Spice Isles is Cyn Dosa. The name of which literally translates into the common tongue as "Whore Island". Cyn Dosa houses the largest brothel in the world, as well as production of a potent and slightly hallucinogenic aphrodisiac known as Red Clover. What is less commonly known about the island is its massive cultivation of ginger root, for which they are the primary supplier of in Thisbē.

While the brothel property is not unlike a small city, the rest of the island is lush with tropical grasses and sapphire-colored sands. Access to the island used to be difficult in larger vessels due to the reef, but over time (and with many, many visitors), the channel passage has grown much more accommodating to the comings and goings of travelers.
This remote island, to the south of the island chain, is uninhabited and unexplored. It's cliffs are sharp and jagged, and plumes of smoke rise from the island, shrouding it in a semi permanent mist.

Those few souls brave enough to venture close to its shores (and lucky enough to return) report large numbers of basilisks gathering on its beaches. Recent rumors of a great treasure located on the island have stirred a lot of interest.
last post Feb 24, 2023 18:18:36 GMT -6 Nightmares are known to be repeat offenders
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visions in the swamp
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Apr 15, 2023 3:29:39 GMT -6
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are you dead or are you sleeping
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Mar 6, 2023 12:45:35 GMT -6
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Annorica (pronounced A-nor-rih-cuh), better known as The Spice Isles, is a large archipelago consisting of hundreds of islands that litter the coast of Giralda. Collectively, this region is one of the major trading hubs of the continent and the world. The islands are rich with resources, greatly adding to Giralda’s overall prosperity in global trade, as well as refining culinary artistry.Nestled in an intricate reef system, the waters are often difficult to navigate outside of the well-traveled channels that have been carved to make way for larger vessels. The reefs also tend to serve as a rather effective, natural protection against invasion along the eastern coasts.Piracy throughout the archipelago has become a more rampant problem largely due to the fact that Giraldan laws are hard to enforce on the sea. Galeros is the exception, however, because of the heavy authority presence in relation to the major trade there.
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