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Nira'lia Brivera Avatar
The Spice Of Life
created Feb 24, 2023 15:29:21 GMT -6
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Feb 24, 2023 15:29:21 GMT -6
Nira'lia Brivera Avatar
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With steep cliffs and few safe landing zones, this mid sized island, found on the Western fringes of the chain, is home to a clan of some 1500 Orcs. Clan Væga defend the island and work the lush interior to grow their harvests of Paprika and Chillies. The spices were discovered on the island whilst a group of Orcs, originally kin to Clan Orro, were on a Pilgrimage centuries ago. Rather than just take a sample back to their clan in the Wilds, the Orcs decided to found a new clan and establish a trade route for the spices, which gave Orcish cooking an even greater reputation for heat.

Barataka is warm and damp, with a moderately hilly interior. It has been many years since anyone has been foolhardy enough to try to take the island from the Orcs by force. A small but bustling trade enclave thrives on the southern coast of the island, where anyone who can meet their prices can purchase the spice.
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